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A tool for creating intelligent digital technology platforms (4PR)


A tool for creating intelligent digital technology platforms

Project duration jun 2017 - dec 2018

The 4PR project has been approved for financing by the public tender "STRENGTHENING COMPETENCES AND INNOVATION POTENTIALS OF ENTERPRISES (KKIPP)", by the Public Agency for Entrepreneurship, Internationalization, Foreign Investments and Technology - SPIRIT Slovenia.

The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund - EU ERDF in colaboration with the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology - MGRT.

A tool for creating intelligent digital technology platforms - 4PR

We are currently witnessing the fourth industrial revolution (known as Industry 4.0), which is characterized by smart networking of products, logistics and consumers. This leads to the transformation of existing, traditional business models.

The most radical change is the transformation of linear value chains into ecosystems. The business model of the ecosystem manager is denoted by the term “platform”.

Disruptive platforms, such as Uber, Airbnb, Pinterest and Etsy, showcase what digital transformation of services and economies of scale can achieve.

The purpose of the project is to develop a digital transformation tool and validate a digital transformation business model.

With this tool, we want to facilitate the establishment of digital platforms that transform linear value chains into scalable, cloud, network ecosystems, thus reducing the number of intermediate links in the exchange of services or resources.

Project goals and KPIs

Goal 1: Establish information infrastructure for the digital technology platform. KPI: Functioning information infrastructure required for the operation of the digital technology platform.

Goal 2: Establish a laboratory for the field of cognitive technologies. KPI: Number of laboratory members who have acquired and applied knowledge of cognitive technologies.

Goal 3: Develop competencies for analysis and prediction in dynamic networks. KPI: A developed tool for analysis and prediction in dynamic networks based on acquired competencies.

Project partners

  • Abelium d.o.o., raziskave in razvoj (dr. Boris Horvat)

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